Justice of the Peace

Armand Brunelle

Larry Chase

Andrew Swett

Michael Glodgett

Larry Faust

Justices of the Peace are elected at the General Election in November.

The term of office of justices of the peace shall be two years, and shall commence on the first day of February next after their election.


Elected by the town, but are actually county officers. Duties fall into five categories. Elections: members of the Board of Civil Authority (BCA) and serve as election officials at town elections. Tax Abatement and Appeal: Sit as members of the board of abatement.

As member of the BCA, JP’s hear and decide appeals when citizens do not agree with the final decision of the listers. Marriages & Civil Unions: JP’s may solemnize marriages and certify civil unions. Oaths & Notary: JP’s may administer oaths and is a notary ex officio.

Magistrates: JP’s may serve as a magistrate when so commissioned by the supreme court.